What do you know as a result of participating in the class discussion that you did not know before?
I learn about several things in every unit we saw in class, actually I learned a lot of intersting staff that help to improve a little bit of my vocabulary.
What can you do as a result of participating in the class discussion that you couldn’t do before?
I am not really happy whit this course becuase it was not as good as I expected, and it is not because of the teachers but the way they want to do the things and if I would learn good Englis as the begining of the first course, I would lean more than I know, but unfortunately I can not do more than I already learn in High School
What could you teach someone to know or do as a result of participating in the class discussion that you couldn’t teach them before?
As I said in the last question, I did not really learn more things in the hole courses than I already have learned from high school.